TLDL: Sorry y’all, Design Systems are for the users

This one felt very on-trend for me- I am currently in the throws of rehashing a design system at work. As much as I’d like to admit that the tactical portions take up most of my time, I can’t. I’ve listened to multiple podcasts on the topic, and each of the guests has been surprised by how much time one has to invest in the people. From educating on what a design system is, to how to use it when there is one, constant iteration of the process, quality control, and all the other human things are the most time and effort-consuming aspects of a design system. I appreciate this podcast so so much- it’s been a while since I’ve encountered a developer with the same appreciation of design systems as designers. It is easy to spot that the lack of shared appreciation comes from the fundamental lack of understanding of a design system.


TLDL: Rewarding failure is an important ingredient missing from today’s organizational processes.


TLDL: Design needs a seat at the table. Period.